Budget cuts are an ongoing reality for all government agencies. "Do more with less" is a constant requirement for everyone. Funding legacy systems while innovating, updating security platforms, managing data, transitioning to the cloud, sun-setting old systems while transitioning to the new, reworking business process and managing Organizational Change and Transformation – these are all day to day headaches for federal leaders, and those who support them. Our team works closely with these organizations to ensure that what is brought forward meets the changing needs and budgets that emerge. The government leaders often look to our expertise to assist them in finding that right mix of old and new, portfolio management, navigating personnel reductions, contract consolidation and coordination. Each of the members of our team suffered through these issues while in government or industry and we bring a fresh set of ideas and capabilities through our diverse and talented clients.
Every organization is made up of a series of cobbled together technologies, processes and systems bought and developed over time in various stages of capabilities that support the mission. This leaves extensive gaps within the needs and capabilities of any organization that are constant problems for operations and delivery of the mission. Because our team has extensive experience in managing these systems as former federal leaders, we are now able to assist in “filling of these gaps” with technology, process, contracts or improved methodologies within the confusing and frustrating framework of government procurement. These gaps represent opportunities for our clients to market their products and opportunities for our government customers to better meet their mission. Our reputation is built on our ability to will bring the right technology to the table at the right time with the right client – this supports the mission and helps to fill those needed gaps.
This document governs every aspect of selling within the Federal government. Rules, Requirements, Requests for Proposal, Requests for Information, Market Research, Small Business Mandates, Corporate Categories demographic set asides and so much more. Our team brings extensive contracting experience to our clients and the government customer. Our skills are unmatched and extensive.
Our team maintains currency with the government customer at all levels of the organization in order to fully understand the issues that are driving their decisions and needs. We ensure that we understand and appreciate the difficulties or goals of the organization, the people and the mission so that we can bring the right technologies, knowledge, support or capabilities to the table. In most cases, issues do not change quickly and members of our team experienced first hand the environment into which our clients wish to market their products. We know the issues, we lived the issues and we know how to resolve the issues. That is a key area of value that we bring to our clients and the government customer.
Understanding the Organizational Structure of the government customer is critical to the success of any business desiring to provide products or services. Operational structures, reporting structures, buying structures and funding structures are not always in alignment. Finding the champion for your product or service is essential. Knowing who can drive a project to success or who can doom it to failure is a critical element for any business or government team to achieve their goals. Our team works diligently to manage the daily chaos of government structures and we ensure that our knowledge of the individual names within the organizational charts are more than letters on a page. We know the internal dynamics and ebb and flow that drives their day to day activities. We bring this expertise to our clients so that they can provide better services, timely support and best value to their customer.
It is not possible to sell to the government without using one of their approved purchasing methods. Every organization buys their products and services through a series of processes that have been approved within the guidelines of the FAR and allows for interaction and engagement with industry. Our team understands the intricacies and details of this contracting process and we assist our clients in determining which method of procurement will best serve their offerings and the end user. GWACS (such as T4NG, OASIS, Seaport, ITEZ, SBA Schedules and so many more) – these are the currency of acquisition and it is essential to fully understand how to position yourself to win and make a difference. We assist our clients in navigating through these raging seas of confusion and bring clarity to the process.
The Federal Government works on long range budgets and procures their goods and services accordingly. Every budget is planned years ahead of acquisition (with the exception of immediate needs, plus-up funding, mid-year adjustments and “needs of the government).” There are no dollars "laying around" for the latest and greatest technology or idea. Each move has been planned and budgeted over time. In order to bring a new capability into government rapidly – money is taken from another program or something else is “broken” to make that happen. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is a common practice within budgets. Our team has extensive expertise in understanding the budgeting process, the management of funds, obligation of capital, color of money and how to assist both the government and industry in this complex process.
(504) 486-9040